Places I Want To Visit

This is to test the Magisto Movie Making Software. If you want to create professional movies, I would recommend this group. They have thousands of templates to choose from, which includes from travel to even the 2016 elections. However, I did this over an opinion article, but later today, I’ll do one over the third presidential debate.

The Places I Want to Visit

The Catacombs of Paris– Creepy places like this always interests me.

Manzanar National Historic Site– To show what paranoia, lack of leadership, and the overall prejudice that the Japanese-Americans faced.

Chernobyl– I would gladly take a dose of radiation to visit this place. It has an apocalyptic feel, which could remind us of what could be the future.

Auschwitz-Birkenau– Again, this is to show what paranoia and prejudice leads to for those who are wrongfully persecuted.

Hiroshima, Japan – I would like to visit the buildings that are still standing after the first Atomic Drop, but also, I would like to visit Nagasaki, also.

Tokyo, Japan– I’m already planning this trip already, which I will go next summer, to visit the historical sites like Edo Castle… That, and visit Studio Ghibli and Akihabara district, because I do enjoy anime, manga, and more.


Suicide Cliff, Saipan– During World War II, the idea of being American PoWs  brought fear to those of Japanese citizenship, so they promote the idea (followed with the support of Showa Hirohito) of death before surrender.

The Kremlin (or just Russia)– just something about Russian culture fascinates me… It can stem that I barely know much about them, excluding the rulings of Ivan IV, Peter the Great, the rise of Bolsheviks and communism, and the fall of communism.

There are many other places, like Pearl Harbor and Iwo Jima, but these are the key points of interests that I would like to visit in the future.



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